Installing ZigZag

Installing as a package

If you’re interested in using the ZigZag framework as an end user, and not interested in making any modifications to its internals, you can make ZigZag available by directly installing it using pip in your venv or conda environment:

pip install zigzag-dse

After installation, you can take a look at the ZigZag API documentation on how to use the api.

Manual clone

If you want to add custom functionality to the framework, you can clone the repository manually:


  • git: for cloning the repository

  • pip: for installing the required packages

  • python>=3.8: for running the framework


Clone the repository

git clone


git clone

Install requirements through pip. Alternatively, anaconda spec file is also provided.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Once the dependencies are installed, ZigZag can be run through the main file with provided arguments. More details are provided in Getting Started.