
Contributing guidelines

When contributing to the framework, please consider the following guidelines:

  • Use Google’s Python Style Guide

  • Use Google docstrings to document your classes, functions, methods, …. Examples can be found throughout the code and here

  • Update the documentation accordingly

Upgrading the project version (for ZigZag developers)

In order to upgrade the project version, we use Python packages called bumpver, build and twine. These can be installed as follows:

   pip install bumpver
   pip install build
   pip install twine

First, pull to make sure you have all the remote cahnges. Merge any conflicts with your new changes, and commit. Then, execute the following commands:
bumpver update --patch
python -m build
twine upload dist/zigzag_dse-x.y.z-<...>.whl dist/zigzag-dse-x.y.z.tar.gz


The ZigZag project provides several different ways of documentation:

  1. There are many Publications available which are related to the project.

  2. The general documentation on these pages allows everyone to get familiar with the framework.

  3. There is a Code Documentation which provides more details about the implementation of this framework.

Writing new parts for the general documentation

When adding new functionality, it’s mandatory to document what this does, how it achieves this, and how to use the newly added functionality. Explicit documentation resides in the docs/ folder, using the reStructuredText format (.rst).

When writing new documentation, decide if it would best fit in an existing document, or in a new one. If you decide to create a new file, create this file under docs/source/ and use lower-case letters with a hyphen (-) in between words. After writing the new file, you need to add it to the toctree in docs/source/index.rst.

Building the general documentation locally

The general documentation (same as on this webpage) is build using Sphinx. You should install both sphinx and sphinx-press-theme, which is easy through the requirements.txt file provided in docs/.

cd docs/
pip install -r requirements.txt

After, you can simply use the following commands to build the general documentation locally:

sphinx-build -b html source build

Use the index.html file in the docs/build/ folder as the entry point to the general documentation.

Writing code which supports the code documentation with Doxygen

Please follow the general Doxygen guidlines to document new code added to the ZigZag project.

The the following parts of your code should be documented with comments in the Doxygen format:

  1. Classes (including the parameter of the constructor)

  2. Functions (including the parameter of it)

Building the code documentation locally

The code documentation of the ZigZag project can be build locally using Doxygen. You have to download and install Doxygen as described on this page.

After successfully installing Doxygen, you can use the provided configuration file to generate the code documentation locally. This can be done either through importing the configuration file into the GUI of Doxygen or through running

cd docs
doxygen doxygen-conf

Use the index.html file in the docs/html/ folder as the entry point to the code documentation.